Thursday 7 June 2012


After a bout of bad toothache last month, I sat down to try to portray this. I drew one tooth (one of my few remaining!), which reminded me instantly of a picture I saw in the brilliant Visitor Centre beside the Rio Grande Rift Valley in New Mexico near Santa Fe. So I incorporated the two ideas into one. It was also near my dear Roy's birthday, and I had been thinking about him a lot, so I then got to thinking about the whole concept of 'pain' and 'ache' and the different ways we feel it. As I was doing this, the TV was on in the background with a girl singing the old song "It must be love". The words resounded like a massive bell tolling in my head. I went to the net, copied down the lyrics which seemed to mirror word for word what I was feeling that moment. So, for me, this page started off with toothache and ended with heartache....


  1. A very interesting couple of pages....

    Lin, you heart only aches because it is so full of Roy day the weight won't be so great to bear, and you will just hold him in their gently with fond memories, and no pain ... XX

  2. Como sempre trabalhos lindos, sou sua fa numero 1

  3. The last comment was by my bestest ever friend who does everything for more and much more, Isabel- we are going to start English lessons soon so she can practise here and on other blogs and on 'Face' as the Portuguese call Facebook!

  4. ...and thank you for your kind words, Sue. I do wonder sometimes if the pain and especially the 'missingness' will ever lessen...
