Saturday 9 March 2013

Journalling and the quest for my imagination

 I wish someone out there would help me in my quest for my imagination. I am so rooted in my left brain that I can't seem to break free. I love being creative, love practising art and making bright visual journals but I am still unsatisfied. I spend hours looking at other artists' work and then slip into the black pit of despair where the words "Why can't I think up these ideas?" spinning round looking for the answer. I've read countless books on creativity - all of them making the point that we all have a fertile, creative imagination locked inside of ourselves and that we just have to do this or that exercise and the ideas will flood in. Well, after many exercises, the floodgates are still tight shut. I don't want to copy anybody I sit and my table and wait...and wait.......However,....

on the positive side, I do love certain activities which help. I have quite a few journals on the go at any given time - but the main ones I use every day are my 'day' journal, A5 size which lives by my bed, and my 'big' journal (even the names lack originality!) Size is the key here. My A4 size journals are for the odd moments when art inspiration strikes, for working at length or in layers on techniques and making bold statements, while the smaller journals are picked up almost every hour and are full of writing, notes, sketches, drawings and much more musing. Apart from these, obviously, are my shelf-full of my favourites, the travel journals.  Here are a few recent pages from my latest big journal (number 6).......

The strata are angry
Man in Albuquerque with big earring at sunset


I am finding it very hard to move pictures around in blogger - I may have a bug in the system. It has taken me hours of repeating and re-introducing photos and I still can't get photos to sit beside each other, like the two above. Sometimes it works, often the photo disappears or tags itself onto another. IT is definitely not user-friendly!

Something very useful I did learn was that you have to put some effort into thinking about what really inspires you to the point of wanting to express your feelings about it - thinking hard about what impacts upon you. For me it was simple...I am not turned on by florals, pretty patterns or whimsical cliches. What does inspire are dramatic landscapes, landforms and rocks, the sun, unusual people, portraits and all kinds of abstraction. There are others on the list but I come back to these every time. Instead of books on how to draw, I have now bought some wonderful books of photos and art of these topics - stunning books on mineralogy and geomorphology. Colour is another huge source of ideas - pink, obviously, but it has to be stark and bright! I have 30000 photos of my travels round the world. It is not hard to take a wander through the files - India for example, and an idea takes hold. So, the answer to finding your imagination must be two-fold - follow your interests and passions - and keep practising as you do get better!!! (slowly!)

Here are a few more....I'll do my small journal in a different post. I hope to attract some fellow journalers with these posts - all comments welcome (well, maybe not all!!).

She sees the world through.........

You can see I like trees....

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